To the editor
The president of the United States deserves our deep gratitude this week. Again, his foreign policy has yielded the end of another mass murderer. As with the death of Osama bin Laden, the right wingers are attempting to deny the president any credit. On Friday, the Stephanie Miller show played about a dozen audio clips of the right wingers yammering back in March how the president couldn't lead. It was pretty amusing. When Bin Laden was killed we heard the same partisan dishonesty. Don't forget, George Bush, after screwing up bin Laden's capture in Tora Bora, claimed he "didn't think about him much anymore". He didn't think about the murderer of 3,000 Americans anymore? All along, President Obama was right about Pakistan.
Finally, the war in Iraq is coming to a close. This war was the worst mistake America has made since the Vietnam war. Three of my nephews served in Iraq but only two came home alive. My sister's only child, Brandon Sapp, was killed by a roadside bomb. Bush lied, thousands died. But finally, this ill-begotten war will be coming to a responsible close. Osama Bin Laden is dead, Al Qaeda's Anwar al-Awlaki is dead, Ghadafi is dead, and the war in Iraq is coming to an end yet the right wing desperately clings to its "destroy Obama" agenda. Congratulations, Mr. President, you make me proud. Most of the troops will be home for the holidays and this calls for a great deal of celebration in America. Unfortunately, instead of of celebrating with Americans, the extremists of the right wing will only be interested in plotting to undermine the president.
Well, what kind of week did the right wingers have? Oh, it was as bad as last week with their seventh abortion day vote. According to the latest Gallup Poll, 75-percent of Americans support the president's effort to provide funds to hire teachers, police officers, and firefighters yet the Congress doesn't get it. 72-percent support a public works project that would include 30,000 schools that need work. But the Congress wouldn't pass any such bill. From conservative Democrats to the ranters of the right, they just don't get it. Consequently, the conservatives have once again obstructed a plan to get America working. Bit by bit, Americans will see that right wingers don't really care about people.
And yet this display was not the worst of right wing world this week. The Tea Party Nation website sent out a pledge for businesses last week. The pledge was for businesses NOT TO HIRE PEOPLE! Yes folks, the pathological hatred of the far right towards the president has turned them into a Steven King Clown-Car on crack that could care less about the economy. They are so full of themselves they can't even consider the plight of ordinary people in these hard economic times. Just like the anti-abolitionists, the anti-suffragists, the segregationists, and the anti-gay bigots, the Tea Party psychos are doing the "socialism screech". It's a very old tactic and they still use it even though they lost every one of those battles. Sent out by Melissa Brookstone of the Tea Party Nation, businesses are asked to pledge not to hire anyone until "the globalized socialism movement" was defeated. Commies in the closet! Marxist Islamic Caliphate growing under the bed! According to this misfit, the Senate is socialist and the president is a dictator. Get real, nutjobs!