Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Thank you Republicans for all the wonderful gifts under my tree

Thank you Republicans for all the wonderful gifts under my tree

To the editor,
On Christmas Eve I decided Santa might need some bribing so my wife and I baked some fabulous fresh cookies to leave out. I wasn't sure if Santa considered me a good boy in 2011 so we even left chocolate milk for him! Whether the bribe worked (it works in Congress!) or I was actually a good boy in 2011 I will never know but when I awoke Christmas morning I was amazed at what lay under the tree! The mountain of presents was matched only by my childhood Christmas mornings. Honestly, I couldn't decide on which gift to open.
Well, why not open the biggest one first? It was what I always wanted! The Tea Party GOP brought the approval of Congress to a new low of 11-percent as the president's approval was rising. The fringe of the GOP was helping re-elect the president! Spending a year fighting a tax hike for every dollar over a million made, the now moldy tea party insisted a tax cut for working families and the extension of unemployment benefits would not help the economy! That is Crazy Talk! Watching the GOP cave in only made the gift more to be treasured. They had aided and abetted the Occupy movement; the 99-percent!
The next gift I opened was something I had been hoping for recently. Called the "Kiss Heard Around the World", the U.S. Navy poked right wingers and the GOP field in the eyes! The first-kiss is a Naval tradition for ships returning to port and this year a lesbian couple was chosen. While most of the GOP field gives in to the radical religious fundamentalists, the United States Navy moved easily into the future as other navies have. Bravo! Our social conservatives are like the autocrats and religious fundamentalists who fight the changes demanded by the Internet savy students and middle classes of the Arab and Iranian world.
The next gift I opened was splendid. Goodies! Being his turn, Newt Gingrich had floated to the top only to sink under his own weight. Sane Republicans were seeing that the Newt Gingrich of today was the same pugnacious pseudo-intellectual adulterer-in-chief of the past. And like so many on the right, he demonstrated his total lack of constitutional knowledge by suggesting we drag judges before the Congress or just ignore the decision if they didn't like the ruling. Heck, let's just get rid of Article III, Newt. It was 1990s Newt that cured me of ever considering voting Republican again. Newt and Rick Perry also failed to get on the Virginia Primary ballot which just reaffirmed my feeling that this year has been Amateur Hour in America.
After opening many more gifts, I finally made it to the last little box. Never judge a gift by its size! The federal court of the 9th district joined other courts in making the birthers look irrelevant again by denying them any credence. The court would not waste its time with hearing frivolous birther nonsense.
Happy New Year and heartfelt thanks again to Eric Cantor!
James Veverka

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