Fundamentalists of all stripes just hate your right to privacy
Feb 01, 2012 12:00 am
To the editor,
I always enjoy Harry's tantrums against the president. This time its contraception, which 98-percent of all Catholic women DO use. But not to miss a beat, ole Harry uses the occasion of the Catholic battle against contraception to accuse the president of being anti-American and anti-Christian. Broken record alert! What senseless drivel comes from this old man full of hate and intolerance. Harry likes a church which seeks to control women's bodies and tells them how to live. That is the same control freak disorder that radical Islamists suffer from. They fight contraception, too. Like the Taliban, The N.H. GOP House loves UNPLANNED PARENTHOOD!
Recently, the president was informed by The Institute of Medicine, an independent group of doctors and researchers. They concluded that birth control is not just a convenience but is medically necessary “to ensure women’s health and well-being." I agree and think that religion is a poor excuse to keep women from attaining their best health and well-being. Government decisions that help the health and wellness of women are ethical and transcend any religion's ridiculous reason to control women's bodies. But that is the Jewish, Muslim and Christian fundamentalist way; to control women as if they are second-rate citizens; chattel. Cattle!
What a bunch of Fuhrer wannabees we have in the U.S. Bishops conference; a bunch of old men who decide for families, which they themselves are barren of, how they may engage sexually and manage their families. Did you know the 1930s Fascists in Italy, Spain and Germany outlawed contraception, family planning clinics and abortion? Harry keeps good company with his ideology.
So here are Harry's allies against contraception availability: Spanish fascists, Italian fascists, German "family values" Nazis, radical Orthodox Jews, radical Islamists and radical Christians. All represent ZERO respect for a women's right to choose their reproductive future. Harry's vision is the American nightmare.
Lately all the right wing Christian fanatics have come out of their mausoleums of plastic piety to tell us contraception is not right. Rick Santorum actually criticizes the 1960s Griswald v. Connecticut USSC case which made contraception a privacy right. Fundies just hate YOUR RIGHT to privacy. And CONSERVATIVE religion of every kind is afflicted with an age long overdose of obsessive compulsive disorder that tirelessly intrudes into people's personal lives, especially the lives of women.
The president did the right thing. Obama Rocks!
James Veverka
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