Friday, April 13, 2012


To the Editor,

I saw the light about the so-called small government people back in the mid-1990s.  I read plenty of CATO books, too. I have always investigated other's ideas. It didn't take long for me to realize it was all delusional pie-in-the-sky nonsense that couldn't work in the real world. These folk actually think charity and  "personal responsibility" can take up the slack to replace a social safety net. That is just the tip of the iceberg to this fuzzy logic. When you put all the pieces together, there is no coherent picture. 

So here comes Speaker Bill O'Brien with more lofty sounding small government nonsense. Under O'Brien's leadership the NH legislature has attacked access to family planning in every way they can think of. At the same time, O'Brien proposed in House Bill 1658 that after a family is approved for Welfare assistance, benefits would be frozen regardless of any changes in the family's circumstances. Here is another grand idea from the outer limits that makes no sense. Half of all American pregnancies are unplanned yet the Clan O'Brien thinks it is aiming at mothers who have children to increase benefits. 

What is wrong with this picture? NH is making it harder for poor families to prevent unwanted pregnancies and then O'Brien seeks to deny them any benefits for the increased costs of raising an unplanned child. That is just so responsible and reasonable! Luckily, some legislators have seen the light and wish to have such language removed from the bill but this only means the Clan O'Brien will just seek another avenue to attack families. The right wing agenda cares not about people; it unquestioningly worships an ideology as if its a deity. They put party platform & principle before people even if it harms people. Right wing ideology combines the worst of Hayek economics and religious fundamentalism. 

James Veverka

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