Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Letter To the Laconia Daily Sun: Historical Revisionism of the Right with a new dictionary

The right has a bad habit of revising history and Glenda Beckster revises both history and accepted definitions. It is difficult to classify people politically on a linear scale so even our current labels have a lot to be desired. In our political climate, far left means heavy handed socialist government and far right means heavy handed conservative government. Few see left vs right as "from big government to no government" although it could be true on another planet or with a non-linear model.
Glenda Beckster and others like to throw around the word socialist indiscriminately. Socialism is when the government owns the companies of its nation. Seen that lately? Probably not. Venezuela for sure. Fascism on the other hand involves a corrupt marriage between big business and government. Corporate power and outcomes drive government decisions. Mussolini said "Fascism should more properly be called corporatism because it is the merger of state and corporate power". Sound familiar? Citizens United ruling? The Koch brothers buying our politicians? Corporations are people?
Mr Hood claims Mussolini was a socialist. He was until after WWI but renounced socialism in favor of his fascism that emphasized militant patriotic nationalism. Ring a bell? I doubt Mr. Hood has read Mussolini's encyclopedic declaration written in 1932 because if he did, he would know that Mussolini relentlessly attacked liberalism and socialism. I urge him to read it at In his manifesto he mentions liberalism and socialism in a negative way 43 times. In contrast to the materialism of socialism, Mussolini claims Fascism is spiritual and uses the term 23 times to define Fascism. Materialism and spiritualism are opposites, by the way. Socialism is concerned with the proletariat, fascism is concerned with the state. But certainly, people are easily confused because no political ideology holds completely unique beliefs.
Mr. Hood said in his letter "Liberals do love to associate conservatives with Nazis but since facts might muddle the charge they never offer any". You want facts? Okay, lets look at the facts.
In 1920 and 1921 the Italian streets were filled with protesting workers. The Italian fascist "blackshirts" were used to crush socialism in any way, disrupting their meetings and committing violence in the streets. Mussolini took advantage of the situation by forming alliances with industrial giants and finally forcing trade unions to crumble and socialists mayors to resign. In 1927, Mussolini gave some rights back to unions as long as they were state or party controlled. Hey, Scott Walker!
In 1933, when Hitler gained dictatorial powers with the "Enabling Act", he abolished labor unions and replaced them with the Nazi Party's "Labor Front". Trade unions were socialist and Hitler, like Mussolini and Franco, hated socialism. Mussolini abolished trade unions, too. Sound familiar? Hitler used "law and order" to destroy individual rights. Fascists ended collective bargaining rights. Together, Mussolini, Hitler and Franco arrested hundreds of thousands of communists, socialists and democratic socialists because socialism was the enemy of fascism.
Hitler's fascism emphasized "real Germans" like our right wingers emphasize "real Americans". Fascists supported laws that would attack any cultural diversity in the press, the arts or radio in Germany. They thought any foreign cultural influence would strip Germany of its soul, so they mounted a cultural war just as our right wingers do. Liberal professors were targeted. Any use of a non-German language was unpatriotic. Note the vehemence of the English-only crowd.
German Fascism was vehemently anti-immigrant. Mussolini declared universal suffrage was the greatest of lies. If you follow America's right wing you will notice the harsh anti-immigrant rants. Conservatives also have a long history of opposing universal suffrage from religious equality, abolition and women's suffrage, to child labor laws, reproductive freedom and gay rights.
In 1936 Hitler and Heinrich Himmler created the bureaucracy, THE REICH OFFICE FOR THE COMBATING OF HOMOSEXUALITY AND ABORTION. The Reich, as soon as it was empowered by dictatorial powers raided every gay business in the nation and shut their doors. Between 1936 and 1939, 100,000 gay men were imprisoned at one time or another. A Tea Party dream I'd say. What remains of records from concentration camps like Buchenwald evidence the gassing of at least 15,000 gay men. In his speeches, Himmler bragged about pretending to allow gays to escape the camps so they could kill them. In the camps certain doctors were tasked with finding a way to cure gays. One way was to force them to have sex with prostitutes. Straight porn, too, 

Homosexuals that found themselves in the concentration camps at Buchenwald and Neuengamme were experimented upon by the Danish SS doctor, Carl Vaernet. The SS gave him a research position, a staff, laboratories, financial support, and camp inmates with which to experiment upon. His treatments included castration for the incurable, and hormones for the others. Under the Nazi doctrine of re-education, Vaernet had developed a hormone implant for homosexuals.
Ring any bells yet?
Fascism was about family values! Contraception and/or abortion were outlawed by Mussolini, Hitler and Franco. Family planning clinics disappeared. Hitler awarded women with the the Motherhood Cross who had given birth to the largest number of children. Lesser Medals were the Golden Cross for eight children, the Silver Cross for six children, and a Bronze for those who had four children. Four kids! Shanmeful! Mussolini's government paid extra benefits to the exceptionally reproductive! Are you catching on yet? Women were supposed to be the helpmates and babymakers of men. Before Hitler came into power there were 100,000 female teachers but that ended with Hitler's rise to power. Women went home until so many of the men were killed they had to go back to work.
If it walks like a goose, its probably a goose.

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