Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Since Obama took office the American economy has grown

Since Obama took office the American economy has grown

To the editor,
Leave it to a right winger to go on a class war/xenophobic rant during an election cycle. In his December 1 letter, Tony Boutin makes the claim, reported by the WSJ, that Obama's re-election strategy involves throwing white middle class voters under the bus. That is hilarious because the 99-percent strategy has taken hold in the Obama administration. Not whites, not blacks, not Hispanics, union and non-union: Its the 99-percent! It is a winning strategy.
Then Mr Boutin repeats the endless Fox Lemmings' chant that we have a failed economy and the auto industry crashed. Since Obama took office the economy has grown. NON-FOX economists like Moody and the non-partisan CBO claim up to 3-million jobs have been saved or created and we now have 21 straight months of adding jobs. Finally, after finally getting our head above Bush's catastrophic economic tsunami — AND the auto industry is doing quite fine thank you, as a result of the government loan to GM and Chrysler.
On the other side of the coin where the darkness resides, "Earlier this year, Political" published a report detailing the total number of jobs House Republicans have tried to eliminate. Since then, the House has passed the Cut, Cap, and Balance Act. With that addition, measures passed or introduced by House Republicans would, if signed into law, potentially eliminate up to 7.4-million jobs." Traitors! The enemy within! Granny get yer gun!
In his next literary lump of coal of December 16, Mr. Boutin claims that socialist, Veverka-style Europe will crumble to financial dust. There is nothing socialist about the IMF demands on European countries. Socialists don't tell nations to privatize industries. Socialized nations don't make the poor and the middle class shoulder the burdens of austerity measures. Europe has continually tried AUSTERITY measures and they have failed every time. Austerity plans are never a good idea except during a time of boom, not bust. Consequently, due to the mindless conservative slashing and burning strategies, the GDP in Greece and Ireland began double digit slides in depression earlier this year.
Greece and Ireland have proven Keynes right again by implementing austerity at just the wrong times! One patiently waits till economic booms before austerity plans are enacted. Just recently the new technocrats running Italy have imposed austerity measures that put most of the weight on the working class and pensioners. The word in the streets of Italy is that the wealthy aren't paying their fair share. Austerity is typical obsessive-compulsive behavior locked pitilessly within an ideology that will fail. European austerity measures at the exact wrong time are not liberal, demand-sided, ethical, or in any way an economic stimulus just as no House GOP plan is. With the House GOP though, it's deliberate sabotage by fighting successful strategies of the past. Paul Krugman is so right that the European Union's continual use of austerity measures fits the definition of insanity. Europe and its IMF junkies shun Keynesianism just as right wing Americans do and we are all going to pay for it if we don't sack the GOP House.
Keynes was right!
James Veverka

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