Friday, December 16, 2011

A radical environmentalist is someone who doesn't want their tap water to catch fire!

A radical environmentalist is someone who doesn't want their tap water to catch fire!
To the editor,
To folks like Don Ewing, a radical environmentalist is someone who doesn't want their tap water to catch fire, the water to reek of chemicals and their air to be sickening. Recently, in Bejing, the Chinese government finally admitted the fog covering the city was really smog. Duh! Who wudda thunk it? I suppose the Chinese admission was a big surprise to Don. Its harmless! Its just fog! And so what if your water catches fire. Its now sterile enough to drink! And so what if its a little brown; extra hydrogen!
The reason why the pipeline is on hold is because of the pipeline's route. This delay was initiated by the State Department, not the president. The problem is the educated people in the states where the pipeline passes through are very concerned about the environmental havoc that would be caused by cracked pipes, etc. It would have major implications for the quality of drinking water. Plus there was leaked from the European Commission a study that says emissions from fuels made with tar sands contain 23-percent more pollutants than standard fossil fuels. That's good news to Fox News! And we can all wear cool masks!
Mr. Ewing claims 20 jobs bills have been passed by the GOP house and with bipartisan support! Yup, 10 Democrats voted with the kindergarten class this week! Bipartisan! That is not bipartisan but that is the spin the right wingers put on it. Its a typical right wing lie. Did he also note that 14 Republicans voted with the opposing Democrats? Bipartisan opposition! And I have to ask, what 20 jobs bills? Thats BS. Anything the GOP has offered has been a hostage usual. This time the hostage was the continuation of the payroll tax holiday.
The real jobs bill; the one supported by a strong majority of Americans, is the plan Mr Obama put forth this fall. In an October NBC/WSJ poll, 63-percent supported passage of the bill the GOP BLOCKED and 64-percent thought it was a good idea to up the taxes on the rich. Revenue! And listen to what the chief economist at Moody's says. From 9-9-11: "Mark Zandi, chief economist at Moody’s Analytics, estimated that the president’s plan would boost economic growth by 2-percentage points, add 2-million jobs and reduce unemployment by a full percentage point next year compared with existing law."
Mr. Ewing cries about 20,000 jobs when his party of do-nothing brats deliberately blocks the president's bill that could create 2 MILLION jobs! Its that forest and the trees thing I guess. Its Obama Derangement Syndrome. By the way, Don, 20,000 is 1-percent of 2-million. One percent. Thinkin' big, eh Don?
Be an adult, support the big plan. It won't hurt!
James Veverka

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