This is not GOP overreach, it is just who they've always been
To the editor,
It wasn't a couple of months after the 2010 election before a serious case of buyer's remorse spread across the land. It began in Wisconsin when Governor Scooter Walker began enacting an agenda that was never campaigned upon. The people were angered and they protested in the tens of thousands. Governor Kasich in Ohio can be charged with the same deceptions against the voters. Not once in his campaign, like Scooter in Wisconsin, did he say he would trash unions and worker rights. All over the nation, right wing leaders who had obviously signed on to the Koch Brothers' corporate aristocracy and "ALEC" began their push.
It isn't a coincidence that attacks on workers, rights and social safety net policies began simultaneously throughout the nation where tea party extremists won. What kind of anti-democratic group attacks voting rights? Who would burn the social safety net only to replace it with a corporate one based in profit? Who? Right wingers and their pseudo-Christian factions. And hidden in their Trojan Horse's so-called economic agenda was a war on women's rights and the LGBT community. Planned Parenthood would be cut so corporations could get more tax cuts. In Missouri, GOP legislators were going to cut tax credits for the elderly, poor and disabled homeowners so they could give a tax break to a corporation.
As of September of this year, those who look unfavorably upon the tea party has risen to 53-percent while favorability has dropped to 28-perecent; that's 2-1 against. Other polls show even lower numbers (20-percent) but 28-percent reflects a huge drop and its still dropping. In fact, polls show the ideas of the Occupy Movement have twice the approval rating of the tea party.
Corporate takeover of our government's strikes a nerve in most of America. On the heels of Wisconsin and Ohio, Americans then saw that their Social Security and their Medicare was on the chopping block. The immediate backlash was amazing and Ryan's bill is now dead. Workers in America didn't cause the recession. Unions and public workers had nothing to do with it. The unregulated religion of avarice found in the financial markets' gambling casinos created the whole mess. Playing with our nest-eggs and investments in their financial gambling schemes, they wrecked our economy. They cared nothing for workers, shutting plants and moving the jobs overseas, thus turning their backs on the nation who made them great. So when Americans saw lawmakers willing to cut your Social Security benefits, smash your health care, and blame public workers in order to give more tax cuts to the people who destroyed the economy, anger swept through the sane population in this nation.
The amusing part of this story is that all the while the tea party was plummeting due to their war against workers, voters, women's choices and gay rights, people like Don Ewing, Tony Boutin, and Steve Earle were completely unaware of this reality. Like Speaker Boehner, they kept telling us "the American people spoke" in 2010 but forgot to add that when Americans SOON figured out the right wing agenda they loudly said NO. This year in Wisconsin, two union-busting GOP Senators were recalled and that put an end to Scooter's union busting because there is still a GOP senator who opposes Walker's union busting. In Ohio, more than a million signatures collected to repeal Kasich's union busting law led to a total repudiation of his attack on public workers. The vote on Nov. 8 was 63-percent to 37-percent. OUCH! In Maine, the people repealed their governor's attack on voting rights. Same day registration is again the law in Maine.
What kind of people attack democracy? In Arizona, the first Senate president ever to be recalled lost his job. Russel Pearce's anti-immigrant extremism was his downfall. In Mississippi, a major attack on the right of a women to choose was attacked. Religious extremists proposed a law that would have banned several forms of contraception outright. But surprise, surprise, a Bible Belt state had the audacity to see how crazy this law was and killed it 55 to 45-percent. In North Carolina, the Board of Education was returned to Democrats as they swept the GOP out. In the Kentucky governor's race, a Democrat won by 19-percent. In Iowa, gay marriage will remain the law of the land because a Democrat was elected to the state Senate, giving them the majority.
This week the recall of Wisconsin's Governor Scott (Scooter!) will begin. On November 15th begins the 60 day period to collect signatures. I have a feeling Scooter Walker will be another enemy casualty if they find a good opponent in Wisconsin. Let nobody fool you; this has not been GOP over-reach, its simply who they've always been and what they've always wanted.
For the best in Progressive News in economics, the changing world, culture wars, and civil liberties, go to ALTERNET.ORG. Its time to stop the corporatists and the theocrats.
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