Saturday, February 25, 2012

28 states already have contraception laws like Obama's

To the editor,
Every day I open the morning paper to see that the state is under attack by glassy-eyed American theocrats. Speaker O'Brien is overseeing attacks on education, womens' rights, gay rights, and womens' health. Isn't it about time Mr. O'Brien grows his beard real long so he can reveal to us who he really is? He is New Hampshire's very own screaming, bullying, Ayatollah O'Brien.
May I remind the Ayatollah that 28 states have a contraception law identical to the president's. In both N.Y. and California, the laws went to the highest courts, where they were ruled constitutional.
And how about Harry Accornero's "Fatherland" bill to force kids to stand to say the pledge of allegiance. Heil Harry!
May I remind Harry and his minions that the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in 1943 in WV State Board of Education v. Barnette that public school students are not required to say the pledge. The court ruled "compulsory unification of opinion" violates the First Amendment. In a later opinion, the court ruled students are not required to stand for the pledge.
Oh, poor Harry!
James Veverka

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