Sunday, February 5, 2012

It's not about equality of outcome, it's about equality under the law

It's not about equality of outcome, it's about equality under law

To the editor,
My wife and I both shook our heads in amazement while reading Bob Meade's lastest column — "Equality of outcome: the impossible dream" — because it was a column about an alternate reality that only exists in the minds of conservatives. Mr. Meade claims "some politicians are offering up the promise of equality of outcome as a way to divide the country". First of all, not one politician has offered any promise of "equality of outcome". I hear that claim in the right wing noise machine but it is a twisted lie designed to hoodwink gullible people who will then spread the same twisted lie to other conservative puppets.
If you have been fooled by the radical right, let me tell you what people want when they speak of income inequality. Firstly, nobody is seeking a world where we all make the same amount. What progressives mean by growing inequality is that the system has been rigged in a way by bought politicians so that a higher and higher percentage of capital is being moved upward to the wealthy. Cornered. A powerful ari$tocracy is being created. While wages have been flat for 30 years, the rich enjoy hundreds of percent growth due to changed tax and regulatory laws, they lobbied for, not harder work. As Warren Buffett clearly said, there is a class war waged by the rich in which the rich are winning because they have all the weapons. If anyone is dividing us, its the lawmakers and their puppets who support and pass laws crafted by right wing corporations that make the middle class poorer and weaker (and sicker due to "cost effective" unregulated hazardous waste).
Laws like "Right to Work — FOR LESS" is typical right wing pandering to this unclean aristocracy of avarice.
Not since the 1920s, right before the crash, has this country had such a gulf of income inequality. And that is the world that right wingers are successfully returning us to. Our gulf resembles many developing nations now. We have gone backward since Reagan. Mr. Meade quotes Jefferson: "that all men are created equal". Maybe before God we are equal but under the laws of the United States we are not. We should all be equal under the law but we are not when a system is designed so a Mitt Romney pays 13.9-percent on an income of $20,000,000,  some major corporations pay no taxes at all, and someone who makes $200,000 pays over 30-percent. This has absolutely nothing to do with "equality of outcome", it is all about equality under the law. This has nothing to do with envy, it is about fairness and justice which the right gets boils thinking about. Conservatives are quick to attack any group they think is getting "special rights" but are silent when it comes to the special rights taxes of those with the highest incomes. In America, under the laws created by bought politicians, there is no level playing field for all. The rich have their playing field of lowest taxes, special treatment, and lobbyists while the middle class has a different field with a higher tax rate than people that make an entire year's middle class wage in a day. Our Republic is sick because of right wing politicians..
Mr. Meade, this has nothing to do with equality of outcome; its about equality under the law. That is certainly missing in economic America. Don't believe the right wing clown car's noise machine. Change the channel.
 James Veverka

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