Saturday, February 25, 2012

Reasoning does not work right with the lunacy of the birther

Reasoning does not work right with the lunacy of the birther

To the editor,
Steve Earle and Jack Stephenson need to know a couple of things about life. The first is that it is not up to a person to prove a negative in most debates or trials. In a court of law, one is usually brought up on charges of what one did according to evidence obtained. In a scientific debate, evidence must be provided for the hypothesis. Birthers provide zero evidence and ignore the evidence that debunks them. Reasoning does not work right with the lunacy of the birther alternate reality. Any person making an accusation or claim has the responsibility to "prove" his positive assertion. It is much like the argument over the existence of God. It is up to those who say there is a God to show evidence. Until evidence is shown, the logical default position of a critically thinking person is that there is no evidence for God — yet — so one should remain unconvinced but open. People convinced by non-evidence in any matter are people who don't think clearly nor long enough about things.
And so it is with the birther insanities and the flawed reasoning of people like Harry Accornero, Jack Sephenson and Steve Earle. They have not shown one solid molecule of evidence for any of their cases so why should we take anything they say seriously? All this secrecy nonsense only appeals to the soap opera types. And they wonder why we mock them as fools and tools. If they believe this kkkrap, what other craziness to they embrace?
In June of 2008, Mr. Obama released the only legal document used in Hawaii, a Certificate of Live Birth. If Obama had been white and had a Christian father, that would have been good enough. But for the right wing fascists and racists of the birther movement, it was not enough. In 2011, Hawaiian officials also inspected and certified the legitimacy of the president's long-form birth certificate. Loretta Fuddy, director of Hawaii Department of Health certifed the document. Was that enough? Of course not because these people are mentally unbalanced and can't face reality.
Although his birth certificate prove his Hawaiian birth, another ridiculous claim is made by the crazies that Obama was born in Kenya. The problem with that is that Kenya did not exist until 1963 so no document at the time of Obama's birth could have said Kenya on it. Duh! Two newspapers from the time of Obama's birth printed the news of his birth, too. Was that enough for the wackjobs? Nope! Space aliens went back in time and planted those articles in those newspapers! Just ask Orly, Jack, Steve, and Harry.
As far as Obama's college records, he certainly did fine in saw school. Obama graduated from Harvard Law School, Magna Cum Laude, which is awarded to the top 10-percent of Harvard Law School students.
Birther nuts should find something important to think about for a change but I doubt they have the intellectual capability for it — as THE EVIDENCE clearly shows.
 James Veverka

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