Austerity in Wisconsin & N.H. working about as well as in Greece
To the editor,
Thanks to Denise Terravechia for once again reminding people that Hitler abolished trade unions as every right winger wishes to do. Mussolini and Franco did the same. Fascists hate trade unions because fascism is technically "corporatism" and that marriage of the state with industrial giants demands that people are made impotent in the workplace. Right wingers prefer authoritarian dictatorships in the workplace. In right wing world, job-creators are infallible monarchs. Popes.
Wisconsin is where great things happened for workers rights in the early 20th century. And yet again, Wisconsin is where a century of progress came under attack by Governor Scooter Walker and his "handlers", the Koch Brothers. Walker first attacked collective bargaining rights as soon as he was sworn in. None of this was campaigned on. This willful deceit will end up costing him his job. Then he went after women's rights, Planned Parenthood, "badger care" (child healthcare) and education in order to give tax breaks to corporate interests and the top earners. Last week, Walker repealed the 2009 Equal Pay Enforcement Act. Now, if a woman is being discriminated against by being paid less than a man for the same job, she has no recourse. This guy does EVERTHING wrong! What is with these people attacking workers, women, families, healthcare and equality? Do they hate people? Are they functioning sociopaths? Freedom-sucking sociopaths! Right, Russ?
With his back on the floor, Walker can now lay claims that he has brought Wisconsin to the very bottom in the jobs department. 50th! How is that AUSTERITY working out for ya Scooter? Knowing the end is in sight, Walker has asked Governor Chris Christie of New Jersey to visit Wisconsin. This is a clown car worth watching. Last month alone, New Jersey lost 11,000 jobs in the private sector. Here we have two examples of how NOT to run a state! How does one failed governor help another failed governor? While the national economy is gradually improving and adding a quarter million jobs a month, austerity states like Wisconsin and New Jersey are losing jobs. Austerity is really bad for business, taking $1.50 out of the economy for every dollar in spending cuts. That is just the opposite of what stimulus spending does.
The same thing is happening in Europe. Those with harsh austerity measures are spinning their wheels in the mud. Nations like Germany and Poland which pumped money into new technologies and infrastructure were not hit hard. Poland didn't even have a recession because it invested in Poland to pump up the economy. Keynes was right! Britain's David Cameron is one of those leaders that tries the same failed policies over and over because they are party dogma. Brits can now blame austerity for the first double dip recession since the 1970s. Austerity is like Anemia. Von Mises and Hayek were naive.
Voting Republican is like bringing an army of termites home to do some carpentry projects.
James Veverka
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