Right wingers want to run our economy like a road with no limits
To the editor,
Mitt Romney will probably lose NH. In the last year, Romney has gone from a 9 point lead to a 12 point deficit (See Only 36% of our residents view Romney favorably. People see Romney as a vulture capitalist, not an ethical venture capitalist. People see him as lacking both empathy and people skills which is blatantly apparent. People see him as a person suffering from chronic logorrhea who has not a clue what a measured and thoughtful response is. People see him as a conniving opportunist who says whatever he needs to say to win the day. Romney is so thick he doesn't realize that we all can view videos of him saying he would be more gay friendly than Ted Kennedy.
That said, it is a pleasure for me to see that the corporatist nonsense of the far right is not getting anywhere. Letters from Don Ewing and Tony Boutin are great examples of these talking points that are doled out to the right wing faithful. Don Ewing's latest letter about the risks of doing business was hilarious in light of what has happened in the economy. Was he asleep in 2008-2009 when the market crashed? One has to wonder what is in the tea. Shrooms?
The crash of 1929 occurred because of the lack of targeted regulation, especially in the way banks use our money which they are entrusted with. High risk gambling isn't usually our plan. The Glass-Steagal Act which was titled "An Act to provide for the safer and more effective use of the assets of banks, to regulate interbank control, to prevent the undue diversion of funds into speculative operations, and for other purposes." was passed in 1933 by overwhelming majorities. In 1999, Congress passed the repeal of that law. Is it any wonder that the return of unbridled "speculative operations and other purposes" were also the main cause of the deepest and longest recession since the 1930s.
Running an economy the way the right wingers would have it would be like having no speed limits on the roads. This pie-in-the-sky economic worldview completely ignores the unshaven beast in the room: Human Nature! It blows my mind that the right wing seeks to return to the policies that wrecked the economy.
Hey, but driving is risky, right?
James Veverka
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