Saturday, July 7, 2012

It is impossible for this species to ever learn from the past

A response to this letter:

To the Editor,

I am so happy for Russ coming clean. Maybe he should think about having some kind of pride parade with that ever-beaming Harry Accernero as the Master of the parade!

A Winged Neanderthal Pterodactylus! Russ Wiles is hiding much! Maybe there are more Winged Neanderthal Pterodactyls than I thought. The usual Neanderthal has only claws for ripping flesh but not our teabaggis hybrid! Nope, this species has claws designed to rip a hole in the social saftety net the size of Texas! And they aim to do that! But really, winged? I have not noticed any wings on my hairier brethren. Just because Russ, Bob, Steve, Tony, Bill, Jack, Harry, and Don have wild flights of fancy does not mean they have wings!

But seriously, is Terence really the reason why the hairier and less sociable Neanderthalus Teabaggis is so different? The 30 year long Brock study found that the whiniest preschoolers became the hairiest and most rigid minded Neanderthals in adulthood. FMRI scans also showed that those with Neanderthalus Teabaggis DNA had larger Amygdalas than found the Homo Sapiens Rationalis. The Amygdala is the fear center so its easy to understand all the irrational and fact-free howling that comes from our hairier, grumpier and more uptight brothers and sisters. Homo Sapiens Rationalis have smaller Amygdalas then the Neanderthalus Teabaggis species. Also, the part of the brain dealing with complex problem solving was larger in the Rationalis species than found in our glassy eyed and forever snorting brethren. Less fear and more sense!

Russ mentioned another species, the Hippocampus Empticus but I think he has them confused with another species. The Hippocampus Empticus species can be viewed at the Concord Zoo just down the road from the Statehouse.  This species was named so because the Hypocampus is where the brain synchs short and long term memories. Scans show us that Empticus species has a solid bone that looks like a hockey puck where the Hippocampus should be. It is therefore impossible for this species to ever learn from the past. They keep snorting out commands to do things that have already failed many times over in the past. 

James Veverka

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