Saturday, July 7, 2012

Spending under Obama has gone up 1.4%; it was 8% under Bush

Spending under Obama has gone up 1.4%; it was 8% under Bush

To the editor,

Watching right wingers make stuff up can really be entertaining. Unfortunately the laughing has to stop when one sees how many get deluded and made a fool. Most of the conservatives that write in to this paper obediently repeat all the right wing talking points. Don't believe a word that these people say unless you have looked it up and find it so. My experience is that 98% of what right wingers claim is a lie, a distortion or a delusion. And believe me, the lies are deliberate at times; Obama Derangement Syndrome make sleazy the norm. 

The propaganda from the conservative clown car is that President Obama is wrecking the economy with foolhardy spending. Fox says it, Romney says it, preachers say it, illiterate southern governors say it and all the sheep say baaaaaah. But how badly have they lied on this? Its much worse than I thought. Being that I support Keyensian economics, I don't have a problem with spending to stimulate the economy.

The latest MARKETWATCH report even surprised me.  Marketwatch is part of the Wall Street Journal so it would be hard to dismiss it because it is a liberal outfit. The report says that Obama's spending spree never happened. Say what? Obama's annualized spending growth for his first term is 1.4%. 

What was Reagan's? 8.7% & 4.9%. 
Bush #1? 5.4%. 
Clinton? 3.2% & 3.9%. 
Bush #2? 7.3% & 8.1%. 

What these numbers indicate is that Reagan and Bush 2 had terms in which the spending rate was up to SIX TIMES what Obama is on track to spend yet the right wing keeps blabbering away, spittle flying every which way, that the socialist in the Oval Office is spending America down the drain. Reagan and Bush 2 already did that (TWO MARKET CRASHES!) and you never heard a peep from the psycho-talkers. Clearly, it has been the GOP that have been on the spending sprees. 

So the next time you see the usual suspects on their usual fact-free economic rants, just remember that they are probably spreading a bold faced lie and doing it proudly and passionately. 

James Veverka

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